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In this video well break the secrets of belabor certification process also known as PERM What it is how do we do it Stay tuned In this video I want to talk about the LaborCertification specifically also known as PERM PE-R-M So what is the Labor certification A labor certification is required because we want to make sure that we can the government wants to make sure that US workers are not being affected by the hiring over the foreign national And so we have to go through this labor certification process to show the government that we've done everything that they require and not discriminate against the US worker The first step in the process is step number one is that we have to file a prevailing wage request with the state workforce agency And the prevailing wage requests essentially is a very important step because it tells us what is the wage that should be paid to that foreign national when they get approved for their green card So that is the wage that determines everything our advertising what we put on the form the level of skill and jobs, so that is Avery important step It has to be done correctly on the correct form And it also is important too when creating the prevailing wage request to make sure that the job duties are done correctly because those are the ones that are going to be used continuously be used throughout the case It cannot be changed later on So any mistakes that are happening in this stage are going to be adversely affecting the whole successful application of a Perm per petition Once we filed the application for the prevailing wage it's going to take a few months and then were going to get certified a certified the prevailing wage determination from the Labor Department Once we have that and only once we have that its recommended there are some cases where you can start recruitment before you have certified prevailing wage determination But I typically do not recommend doing that And it's better to have a certified prevailing wage determination and then start the recruitment process which is step number two Step number two is the actual recruitment What does that mean It means that the government would like topee that we actually publicize the job, so people are American workers are aware of that, and they have a fair chance to apply and there are certain kinds of ads There was one ad for example that it must be placed with the state workforce agency, and they are going to have that on their website There are two Sunday ads in a major newspaper circulation that are required There are few other steps and a few other ads that are required maybe like an Internet ad and things like that There's a list of those that we can put link for those ads as well in this video description But it's important to make sure that all heads are done at the same time And the reason is that you don't want to stretch that process too long because the Labor Certification once approved is only good for 180 days If those ads are out of the 180...
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